Friday, March 9, 2012

How do you get wings on Spore?

I just bought Spore and have played through to the civilazation stage, but I keep going back to creature stage because i like to customize. But Ive looked everywhere and have gotten everything but there are no wings. I have seen other creatures that have wings that have been created by other people though. Is there something I need to download to get wings or am I just not looking in the right place??? Please someone explain.How do you get wings on Spore?
Wings are located on the bottom row of the details page, that's the page of parts furthest on the right. The wings don't look like wings until they are on your creature, they look more like fins on the parts page.

Earn the wings just takes persistence, since each creature phase is randomly generated. Dig up every skeleton you see, and charm/kill every nest and you should earn them eventually. Charm/kill the Alpha of each nest first or second to earn an extra part!

Please note that flying is really just hovering. The game calls it 'Gliding'. Gliding is faster than walking and maybe a little faster than sprinting. Basically you jump, and stay at that altitude until your bar runs out, much like sprinting.How do you get wings on Spore?
Well, the wings are located in the detail area, and you should have been able to pick them up during the earliest part of being a Creature (as opposed to Cell). They are underneath all the things that give charm, and though non say "flying", they do say "glide" and "jump" and such, and if you have a glide of 5, that's almost the equivalent of horizontal flying a few feet off the ground, but you don't gain altitude. I say pick up bones a lot around the initial creature world and see what else you can all find.How do you get wings on Spore?
I'm not even in the civilization stage and I have wings. It's just a matter of killing something that has wings and then picking up the parts, or coming upon them as you gather new parts from abandoned skeletons. The biggest problem I've had thus far is when I see a bird or dog or even person in real life I wonder if I should eat them or try to befriend them by singing and posing ;-)
Your just not looking in the right place. I know there is wings, but maybe its only on the original create stage not the customize stage.

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