Tuesday, March 6, 2012

How can you film a video while playing Spore or Sims?

For example ive seen ppl on youtube make movies and shows with their sims and ive seen ppl do stuff also with Spore. How do you film that stuff?How can you film a video while playing Spore or Sims?
There is a programm called fraps you can download for free.

Here is the link http://www.fraps.com/download.php

Im not sure if that how they make the films though.

Hope it helps =)
To do this, you can use FRAPS. this is not free software but im sure you can find it "somewhere" for free. anyway its 3 MB program and you run it in the background while you play your game. you'll see yellow numbers on the top of the screen (frame rate) and when you press the corresponding key, it will turn red, meaning its recording. this will make your frame rate decrease because your PC has to run the game AND record at the same time. once recorded, the video is stored...well...wherever you set it to be and its HUGE (20 minutes is 30 gigs) so you must use a program to compress it. I recommend virtualdub, you can email me spiderman120988@yahoo.com if you want more help cause i make lots of gameplay videos.How can you film a video while playing Spore or Sims?
OMG NOT "FRAPS"! For spore(which im glad they added this part) the video camera is in the game... if you read the manual you get with it you wouldn't have these questions, just to say. All you have to do is press the key "V" and it will start.("v" to stop also.) then im pretty sure that it saves automaticaly. :)
try using fraps... or if u have a gaming pc from asus, they also include a gaming camera.

if u want to know the quality of frapps, look at some people on youtube, most Maplestory players use it to record some footage and its still clear.How can you film a video while playing Spore or Sims?

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